Monday, April 19, 2010

Please Don't Touch The Artwork

In a recent article by the New York Times, it talks about Will Rawls who is a dancer and artist that just had a performance in a local museum. While the art was meant to be an installation-type piece where the viewer is allowed to walk around and interact in order to understand the piece, there are no excuses to disrespect the art. Apparently Rawls was touched inappropriately by a viewer. I find that although the viewers are allowed to interact with the art, however there is no excuse to invade someone's person space or in this case, touch the artwork that in such a way that is not acceptable. In most museum, you are not allowed to touch the artwork and even take pictures, therefore I can't understand why someone would think that this was okay. While in performance and installation art there is always unexpected reactions, I don't think this was one of them. Unfortunately this artist and the group he works with will now have to have more security surrounding them during their pieces in order to secure themselves and the artwork. Therefore now the artwork may be inhibited due to the added security but hopefully the group can think of new ways to prevent problems such as these, while allowing their message to get through. Here's the article for those interested:

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